Our Approach

Opportunity Review and Discovery

We work with our colleagues and outside organizations to identify opportunities and needs - and ensure mutual alignment of all parties.

For potential partners, how might your capability/tool/approach align with our internal needs and goals? Can you explain your offering in one sentence?

We utilize a centralized intake tool for all submissions and proposals - St. Luke's Collaborate Portal. This allows our staff to coordinate all relevant stakeholders moving forward.

Alignment and Prioritization

Working with you and our internal colleagues, we will ensure that all parties have identified clear operational goals.

For our external partners. what are the specific and measurable benefits that you have demonstrated, or propose to demonstrate?

We will help you with aligning to our internal priorities, IT requirements, and operational capabilities.

Validate and Plan

Depending on your offering / proposal, we may provision you a test IT environment / sandbox to allow you to demonstrate your capabilities

This allows your organization to explain functionality and technical resources required for initial and broad-scale deployment

Sponsorship and Approval

All initiatives require clear operational alignment and sponsorship. We work with colleagues and external partners to identify areas of senior sponsorship and project approval.

Funding and staff resources are identified and scoped for a validation approach.

Long-term operational impact (capital, resources, maintenance, etc) is identified prior to any go-live

Build and Deploy

What does success look like? What are the measurable benefits of implementing your new approach / technology / workflow?

We will work with you to map out these metrics to ensure project success from day one.

What will happen if the evaluation is successful? Who will oversee and manage this new tool or workflow? We will work with our colleagues to ensure post-evaluation success and long-term support.

Execute and Monitor

We support new projects through the acceleration of new partner approval and intake.

Project execution will be closely monitored to evaluate benefits and success metrics - as approved through the planning phase.

Successful projects will be evaluated for long-term deployment or potential scalability.